Latest daily deals: NextGen Photo Academy

South Africa

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NextGen Photo Academy
Bordeaux, Region B, Johannesburg, Gauteng
Prints, Workshop
R99 Photography Enthusiasts! Participate in a 3-hour workshop on an Introduction to High Quality Printing including x1 A4 metallic colour print and x1 A4 matt colour print with NextGen Photo Academy – just R99 - Offer expired 03/11/2013 23:03
NextGen Photo Academy
Bordeaux, Region B, Johannesburg, Gauteng
R299 Improve your photographic skills, SAVE 80%! NextGen Photo Academy invites you to undergo an Advanced Practical Photography Workshop on the Use of Photographic Filters on location incl course notes & MORE only R299! - Offer expired 18/09/2013 00:02
NextGen Photo Academy
Bordeaux, Region B, Johannesburg, Gauteng
R99 Photography Enthusiasts! NextGen Photo Academy invites you to select either an “Intro to Manual Mode” or “Intro to Flash Photography” or “Intro to Image Editing with Adobe Photoshop Elements” workshop by a professional instructor & MORE for only R99! - Offer expired 03/09/2013 00:01